3rd Befriending Week

This week is Befriending Week. According to one of our telephone volunteers, #BefriendingIs “like a hug down the phone for both of us”. Could you be a Friend-on-the-Phone to someone?  Would you like to join an amazing band of volunteers?  Message us or give us a call...

2nd Befriending Week

According to one of our face-to-face volunteers, #BefriendingIs “a lovely chat. I never cease to be amazed by [my Befriendee’s] active mind.”  Would you like to make a new friend?  Do you want to get involved or just find out more?  Message us, go to...

1st Befriending Week

This week is Befriending Week.  #BefriendingIs a lifeline to isolated and lonely people in our local area.  Through Volunteer Action our volunteers support over 40 people in our local community with face to face visits and over 60 people with phone calls. We would...